У Алисы и Боба прибавление

Posted by news on 29.12.2016 in Основное |

Nancy is the Nation-State attacker interested in mass surveillance and breaking as many protocols as possible rather than breaking any particular single instance of a protocol. Traffic analysis, attacks on entire families of keys, hardware and expertise both well beyond other attackers, subversion of cryptographic standards, using legal force to make otherwise trustworthy Trents and Harolds act in bad faith, etc.

Harold is the manufacturer of hardware like routers and NAT boxes, etc. He is often located in nations with adversarial interests in the
activities of the nations or companies where the hardware gets used.

This entry was originally posted at http://beldmit.dreamwidth.org/804981.html. Your comment? (comment count unavailable comments)


хорошоплохо (никто еще не проголосовал)

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